Hey y’all! I hope everyone has had a great first week of 2017! As I write this over the weekend, soaking up my last few days of winter break, I was inspired by this post on Dani Dearest‘s blog!

I’ve never set goals for myself (at least outside of my own head) for the semester. I just finished my first semester at my new school and I loved it. The campus, my classes, the people, everything. LOVE my school. But there were a ton of things I was excited to do once I transferred that didn’t really happen in the first semester. Obviously, I knew I wasn’t going to do everything in the first semester but I wasn’t fully satisfied with what I did do. I was a bit scared and timid and mostly focused on settling into everything. (Universities are way different than community college! Maybe I’ll do a post about that…)

So, I’ve decided to set semester goals for myself and I’m posting them here to hold myself accountable! But also to inspire someone else to set semester goals (or any goals)!

Get all A’s and B’s in my classes

This has been and always is my number one goal! I love school, I love learning, and I love the sense of accomplishment when I get good grades. Especially if the class is hard! Grades are the key to getting that degree, which is the whole point of being in college!

Attend a Delight Bible Study session

Delight Ministries

Delight Ministries is an all women’s Bible study group that has a chapter at my school. (They have many chapters at so many different colleges around the country! Just check out their website here to search for yours! I actually know a few girls already involved. I wanted to attend last semester but it just didn’t work out. They meet on days that are difficult for me to make it to. However, with my new schedule this semester, it should be easier and I want to make an effort to attend!

Make new friends

Now, this goal may seem silly to some people. I don’t know about y’all but I’m shy. I’ve definitely improved with talking to people and I’m pretty good about making “semester” friends with people seated around me in my classes (especially when the teacher makes you work in groups) but extending the friendships out of the classroom is where I really struggle. I chalk it up to two things: being a commuter and being introverted (more on both of these in a later post). It gets lonely on campus sometimes so I would really like to make a few solid friends this semester!

Look for study abroad opportunities

I LOVE traveling. While I am a very amateur traveler (never out of the US, typically family vacays, etc.), I can feel deep down how much I want to travel. There are SO many places that I want to visit. What better way than to get college credit and learn while I’m there?! I would really like to study abroad sometime in my college career. I have to keep a look out on the website and maybe even talk to an advisor to get some planning done in advance. (This leads me to my next goal)

Save $10 of every pay check

Saving money is always a great idea and always a goal of mine.Whether it be for study abroad, paying off student loans, or just saving to save up. I want to be more hands on about saving my money for the future!



Hopefully, this list has inspired something in you to set goals for yourself! I think setting goals is wonderful, even if you don’t accomplish them. I get bored when I’m not working towards something. At the end of the semester, I’m going to revisit this and see what I’ve accomplished! Here’s to a new semester!


What are your goals for the semester or for the whole year?! I would love to hear your goals!

xoxo Ariana




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