Happy Halloween! I hope everyone has a spooktacular Halloween night (alright I’m done with Halloween puns).

This year we’re keeping it low-key. A night in with lots of sweets, treats, and Stranger Things season 2! I’m stoked, obvs. I’ve also managed to avoid major spoilers pretty well! I’m not a huge fan of binging when there’s not multiple seasons or a lot of episodes so we’re gonna try not to watch more than two. We’ll see how long that lasts! We also plan on showing my sister Arsenic and Old Lace for the first time!

As a more general update, this is my second week in clinicals. I’ve had a good time so far. If you don’t know, I’m an elementary education major and our clinicals are times spent in schools. This semester our clinicals are all within a two-week period and this is the second/last week. Two weeks goes by so fast! I feel like I just got there!

I also just registered for next semester’s classes like two hours ago. Y’all, registration is straight up the one thing I hate about college (except maybe parking). This year actually went by without a hitch! I managed to get into all of my classes (including one that I’ve tried to get in for the past two semesters and failed)!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween! What are you dressing up as? Tell me in the comments! I’ll be lurking on insta too!


xoxo Ariana

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