Geek. A word that is commonly used as a stereotype. For example, geeks are typically deemed as super smart but no common sense or …

Vacay Recap: NOLA and Florida |2016
As you guys know, this girl loves a road trip and loves to travel. (Maybe not so much a 12 hour drive less than a …
Summer Concerts| 2016
For some people, music is the way to the soul. The way inside their brains. You ever hear that when you listen to a person’s …

Kian and JC: Don’t Try This At Home Tour
So my amazingly wonderful best friend, Abby, got us tickets to see two YouTubers we really like, Kian and JC as a graduation present! So earlier …
Why I Started Blogging| 2016
Why start a blog? What is a blog? What is it like? These are questions that I sometimes get from friends or family members about …

1 Year Blogiversary!
Today marks one year of blogging for me! It is so crazy that it has already been a whole year. I still clearly remember sitting …

5 Ways to Stay Productive Every Day
Take it from me guys. The queen of lazy days and procrastination. ESPECIALLY in the summer. The minute school let out, I’m pretty sure I …

Heart Marked ♥
It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these so I figured I would do another one of them! I really enjoy these types of …

College Graduation
So on May 13th, I walked across a stage and received my first college diploma! Now typically people my age are in a four …